Category: Blog

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Nestleder i hindutempelet Sanatan Mandir Sabha formaner alle om å følge norske myndigheters retningslinjer for smittevern

Mohini Kaushik er nestleder i hindutempelet Sanatan Mandir Sabha. Hun formaner alle om å følge norske myndigheters retningslinjer for smittevern.På Folkehelseinstituttets (FHI) nettside ligger det informasjon om koronautbruddet på mange språk: På FHIs Youtube-kanal finner du også videoer om koronavirus, hjemmekarantene og isolasjon på mange språk:

Donations Corona (Covid-19)

Dear Devotees, Many of our members have approached the SMS executive committee regarding helping India in her fight against COVID-19 by donating to the PM Cares fund. SMS appreciates the concern and thinks this is a wonderful thought! SMS would like to take this further and request all our members to donate generously towards this […]

Happy Ram navami

Happy Navratri and Ram Navami

Dear Devotees, Happy Navratri! Jai Mata Di! SMS wishes you and your family peace, happiness and good health on this auspicious occasion of Chaitra Navratri. May Maa give us all extra more strength and faith in these uncertain “Corona” days. Chaitra Navratri, which begin today, 25th March 2020 are celebrated with prayers to our nine “Nau” Deviyan.  On Ashtami […]

Corona virus update and Mandir Functioning

Dear Devotees, It is very important that you read the following attachment in English and Hindi regarding the Corona updates and the functioning of our Mandir. प्रिय भक्त जनों, कृपा कोरोना और हमारे मंदिर के कामकाज पर इसका प्रभाव,  इस महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी  के बारे में अंग्रेजी और हिंदी में निम्नलिखित attachment  को बहुत ध्यान सें पढ़ें।Best regards,Sanatan Mandir Sabha

Important message – Corona virus!

Dear Devotees,SMS has been contacted by our members regarding corona virus and what SMS is doing about it. We are aware of this and are following the guidelines from the Folke Helse Institute (fhi).Advice for our members (based upon fhi guidelines):- Good hand hygieneWash your hands thoroughly (Use at least 20 seconds)- Coughing and sneezingUse […]

Krishna Janamashtami Celebrations

Dear Devotees, Krishna Janmastami will be celebrated at the temple on 24th August 2019 from 18.00 hours. Starting with Jhoolaarohan and Bhajan Kirtan and thereafter Bhajan Sandøya by Kumar Vishu&co..The temple will also be open on the Janmastami day itself (23th August 2019)
