Category: Blog

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Religions for Peace International

Tirsdag 17 September kveld tok Oslos ordfører Anne Lindboe imot STLs lederforum og European Council of Religious Leaders (ECRL) i Oslo rådhus. Religions for Peace International •⁠ ⁠Mottakelsen i Rådhuset ble en flott avslutning på det første møtet mellom norske og europeiske livssynsledere.Sanatan Mandir Sabha var representert i lederforum .

Mata Rani ki Chowki

Mata Rani ki Chowki was a huge success with over 600 devotees visited and recited Bhete with renowned singer Bhagwat Kishore & Megha Kishore. HE Ambassador of India Sh Acquino Vimal also enjoyed the evening with devotees . SMS thanks all volunteers specially Sh.Rajiv Sharma ji for Bus service.

Sanatan Mandir Sabha in Mangfoldfest

Sanatan Mandir Sabha took part in Mangfoldfest In Oslo and had its own stand. We displayed literature on Hinduism and served Samosa and Tea to over 2000 persons. Special thanks goes to Smt. Mithila ji for performing Rajasthani folk dans with her little daughter.🙏🏼 We thank our youngsters and all other volunteers .

Janamashtmi Mahotsav

Janamashtmi Mahotsav with famous singer Ayodhya Das and a group from Art to heart institute Karnatic music with Uma Ranganathan was celebrated in mandir on 31 August.

Mangfoldfest i regi av STL

Mangfoldfest i regi av STL søndag 8 september fra kl 14-17 . Sanatan Mandir Sabha vil ha egen stand og sceneinnslag kl 15.15 Rajasthani folkedans . Foran National teater. Møt opp.

Pravachan from Guru Ma Binda Singhal

Guru Ma Binda Singhal and Guru Ma Anjali Gadgil from Sanatan Mandir Goa visited our mandir and hold Pravachan.
