Holi is an ancient festival also popularly known as Festival of Colors.
It marks the arrival of spring and the end of winter. Holi is celebrated on the full moon day in the month of Phalgun.
This year Holi festival falls on 28-29th, March 2021
As per Bhagavata Purana, the demonic king Hiranyakaship demanded that everybody should worship him as God. His son Prahlada denied his fathers instructions and worshipped Lord Vishnu. His sister Holika had a boon that fire could not burn her.
King Hiranyakaship along with her daughter Holika tricked Prahlada to sit in a pyre of fire with her. Lord Vishnu appeared in the avatar of Narsimha, half man and half lion, and killed the king and Holika was burnt in fire. Thus signified as victory of good over evil.
This festival also celebrates the love of Radha-Krishna.
Holi celebrations start on the night before Holi with Holika Dahan, where people lit a bonfire, praying for their inner evil to be destroyed. The carnival of colours begins the next morning, where people come out on the streets to play with colours and drench each other in coloured water.
Holi festival helps to bring the society together and strengthen the secular fabric to generate harmony and brotherhood in the society.People sit together and enjoy good food and drinks with friends and family.
We strictly follow FHI instructions and are unable to celebrate the Holi festival at Mandir. We do request you to celebrate Holi with your near family at home only.
Sanatan Mandir Sabha –Mandir wishes you a very happy Holi & let us join together and pray for an early remedy from this coronavirus.

Holi er en eldgammel høytid og feiring, også kjent som Festival of Colors i verden.
Det er en markering av vårens ankomst og vinterens slutt. En markering av godt over ondt. Sist, men ikke minst en markering av kjærligheten. I år er Holi-festivalen 28. – 29. mars.
Holi-feiringen starter kvelden før Holi med Holika Dahan, der folk vanligvis tenner et bål og ber om at deres indre onde skal forsvinne. Fargenes karneval begynner neste morgen, der folk kommer ut på gatene og sprer farger over alt.
Holi-festivalen bidrar til å bringe samfunnet sammen og styrke det sekulære, for å skape harmoni og brorskap i samfunnet.
På grunn av covid-19-restriksjoner er holi festivalen kansellert på Slemmestad Tempel. Vi ber deg kun feire Holi med familien din hjemme.
Sanatan Mandir Sabha –Mandir (Slemmestad) Ønsker dere Happy Holi!Best regards,Sanatan Mandir Sabha