Thought behind hosting a Pritibhoj (Langar) at Mandir is to share joy, happiness and good fortune with others. Sharing with others is a noble thing to do, this not only brings the oneness in the society but the hosting family/families get showered with God`s unlimited blessings.
Pritibhoj should be prepared with following thoughts in mind:
- Meals should be simple, easy to digest and of the “Satvic” nature.
- Prepare meals together with love, care and compassion. If it is difficult for one family to take the whole responsibility, ask others to join in.
- Offer the prepared meals to God for His blessings.
- Share the blessed food and eat together, forgetting all the differences.
- Families, compassionate enough to host Pritibhoj (Langar) at the Mandir are requested to contact either Pundit ji or the committee. Committee will try to help as much as possible.