Category: Blog

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COVID in India -Contribute towards Janam Bhumi

Dear devotees,  As you all are aware of the current COVID-situation in our mother land India. Situation is more than alarming and it has been graded one of the worst hit countries in the world. The intensity of this crisis is increasing day by day and it’s already affecting our root existence. Many of our […]

Online Prayers

Dear devotees, Though COVID graph in Norway shows a downward trend, we are not COVID free nation yet. Therefore we request you to take all precautions, not to invite COVID.  However, there is too much scope for improvement and take 100% precautions & follow Health authority’s instructions. So it is a humble request to you please […]


Ram Navami, one of the biggest and most auspicious Hindu festivals in India, is celebrated on the last day of Chaitra Navaratri. This year Ram Navami is on April 21. Ram Navami marks the birth of Lord Ram. According to Hindu scriptures, Lord Ram was born on Ram Navami in Ayodhya on this day. Lord Ram is the incarnation of Lord Vishnu. He […]

Hinduistisk nyttår 2021 / Hindu New Year 2021

Kjære medlemmer og følgere, Ønsker alle et godt Hinduistisk nyttår 2021! Feiringen markerer starten på det hinduistiske nyåret Navsamvatsar 2078 i henhold til Luni-solkalenderen. Luni kalenderen brukes av hinduer i hele verden. I kalenderen er månedene basert på syklusen av månens faser. Chaitra Navratri / Vasanta Navratri Hvert år feires Chaitra Navratri etter begynnelsen på våren, som er i […]


Holi is an ancient festival also popularly known as Festival of Colors. It marks the arrival of spring and the end of winter. Holi is celebrated on the full moon day in the month of Phalgun. This year Holi festival falls on 28-29th, March 2021 As per Bhagavata Purana, the demonic king  Hiranyakaship demanded that everybody should worship him as […]

Online Yoga classes

Join Yoga classes via events on Facebook page : or : Yoga is a way of living that aims towards a healthy mind in a healthy body. Yoga is not just about bending or twisting the body and holding the breath. It is a technique to bring you into a state where you see and experience reality […]


With reference to previous information forwarded on coronavirus, we have to take a difficult decision and have decided to keep our Temple –Shree Mandir close till next guidelines from concerned government authorities.   We are sure that with God’s Grace we will come out of this third phase of coronavirus. For more information we are forwarding the […]

MAHA SHIVRATIRI – Thursday, 11th March 2021

Dear devotees, The whole world is going through a very difficult time under this coronavirus. Here in Viken the situation is still volatile. However, a vaccine has already arrived and will be available to all of us. Under the prevailing circumstances we have to adjust our movements as per instructions & precautions set  by Norwegian institute of public […]

Online Yoga classes from 14th January

Launch ceremony: We are proud to inform that our Ambassador Dr. B. Bala Bhaskar will inaugurate online-yoga classes on 14th February as per program below: 09:15 AM: Abhinandan 09:30 AM: Inauguration ceremony 09:40 AM: Introduction 09:45 AM: Ambassador’s speech 09:55 AM to 11:00 AM: Yoga Guru Pal Desai Yoga Classes Time schedule: Sunday, 14th February […]

Koronavirus – oppdatering

Kjære medlemmer og følgere, Som de aller fleste har fått med seg har mutasjon av coronaviruset medført sosial nedstengning i Oslo og omegn. Vi oppfordrer alle til å følge med på FHIs instruksjoner gjennom deres sider på: Koronavirus – temaside Ta vare på dere og deres familie. Fortsett å spre budskapet om smittevern. Tempelet holdes […]
